• Stop the Panic. Don’t Let the Coronavirus Win.

    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, democratic governments across the world have implemented unprecedented peacetime lockdowns. One California city is even using night vision equipped drones — made in China, ironically — to enforce it. A city in Washington encourages citizens to snitch on those who violate the “stay home” order. Let’s pause a moment to consider the serious…

  • Is It Even Possible to Contain COVID-19?

    Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. But such measures can’t last forever, which is why mitigation is the only option. Read the rest at Geopolitical Futures.

  • Frequently Asked Questions About How to Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus

    What’s the case-fatality rate? Currently, the official rate is 3.4%. But this is likely way too high. China was hit particularly hard, and their healthcare system was overwhelmed. The best data we have is from South Korea. The Koreans tested 210,000 people and detected the virus in 7,478 patients. So far, the death toll is 53, which is…

  • The Most Important Coronavirus Question

    The first person to die from coronavirus on American soil passed away on Feb. 29 at a Seattle area hospital – incidentally, the same hospital where my daughter was born just ten and a half months ago. Read the rest at Geopolitical Futures.

  • To Achieve Equality, Seattle Public Schools Destroy Excellence

    When I was in elementary school, I was part of a gifted program. (I can hear my critics laughing — but, indeed, it’s true.) From second to fifth grade, gifted students were kept together and placed with teachers who implemented a unique curriculum. Read the rest at Puget Sound Business Journal.

  • How Dangerous Is the Wuhan Coronavirus?

    The political and economic effects of the new coronavirus – both in China and across the globe – hinge overwhelmingly on just how successful efforts to stop its spread are likely to be. Forecasting these, therefore, requires us to take a closer look at the mechanics of both contagion and containment. Read the rest at…