Category: Science: The Softer Side
Why We Shouldn’t Completely Destroy Smallpox
We might need it someday.
China’s Disastrous One-Child Policy
China’s one-child policy created a generation of “little emperors,” an inversion of the age pyramid, and skewed gender ratios.
Suppress Your Horrible Childhood Memories
Go ahead and suppress all those horrible childhood memories you have of being bullied on the playground or accidentally walking in on your parents. It might just work.
Do Catholics Think I’m a Nazi?
Godwin’s Law ought to be enshrined next to Newton’s Laws or Kepler’s Laws for all posterity.
The Scientifically Unengaged Drive Biotechnology Debates
We are allowing our national science policy debates to be partially dominated by people who know almost nothing about science.
Not Every Disagreement Is a Logical Fallacy
Blaming our disagreements, particularly political ones, on logical fallacies does nothing other than delude us into thinking that our opponents are illogical and that we are intellectually superior.
Nobody Wins in Fundamentalist ‘Creation Debate’
Young-Earth Creationists and fundamentalist atheists actually have quite a bit in common.
Obama Must Take Hit for Pot Talk
The apparent heroin overdose death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, who first used drugs decades ago, is a reminder of just how difficult it is to get a handle on drug abuse and the youth culture that enables it. One reason for the surge in heroin use over the past five years is a crackdown…
Dream Analysis Reveals if You Are Psychotic
“The Freudian notion that ‘dreams are the royal road to the unconscious’ is clinically useful, after all.”