Category: Science: The Softer Side
Everything You Think About the Media Is Wrong
The American media has a net positive effect on society.
Sorry Bernie, Science Doesn’t #FeelTheBern
Thankfully, Mr. Sanders will never reside in the White House.
How to Kill a Scientist
Arguably, it is more difficult to be a scientist today than ever before.
Shroud of Turin DNA Comes from All over World
The Shroud of Turin remains shrouded in mystery.
Animal Rights Activists Behave Like Stalkers
The irony in the animal rights movement is that every single person on the planet has benefited from animal research.
Our Know-Nothing, Anti-Science, Anti-Intellectual Presidential Candidates
We will continue to get the government that we deserve.
Frivolous Lawsuits over ‘Wi-Fi Sickness’
Much fuss has been made over the years in regard to tort reform. Creating a medical court system would be a great way to start.
Great Theologian Quotes on Science
Theologians past and present have found science to be illuminating rather than threatening, undermining the widespread notion of a “war” between science and religion.