Category: Science: The Softer Side
Punish and Reform the EPA
EPA says it focuses on environmental protection. The Animas River disaster shows that it is more concerned with protecting itself.
‘Pro-Science’ Democrats Reject Biotechnology
On the needlessly hot-button issue of genetic modification, Democrats sided with fearmongers and organic foodies, while Republicans sided with the medical and scientific mainstream.
Policies to Mitigate Climate Change Could Increase Global Hunger
All policies bear costs and unintended consequences.
RealClearScience: Most Transparent News Site Ever!
We challenge all media outlets to be as transparent as RealClearScience!
Breakthrough Institute: Everything Modern Environmentalism Should Be
With their knee-jerk pessimism and apparent belief in the parasitic nature of mankind, it is no surprise that environmentalists have failed to win over many hearts and minds. It is time for the optimistic, pro-science, and pro-humanity vision of the Breakthrough Institute to become the fresh new face of modern environmentalism.
Dr. Oz Hires a Clone to Be His ‘Fact-Checker’
Unfortunately, it appears as if Dr. Oz’s “fact-checker” is just a clone. We could call him Mini-Oz.
Creative People Really Are a Little Crazy
The notion that highly creative people tend to be eccentric or even a little “crazy” is not just a stereotype.
Subsidies: What Fossil Fuels & Porn Have in Common
It’s time to end the federal porn subsidy.
Slate’s Science Page Has Gone Crazy
Bring back the old science page. We miss it.