Category: Science & Religion
Why the Pope Should Officially Embrace Biotechnology
In May 2015, Pope Francis issued an encyclical with the subtitle “On Care for Our Common Home.” The letter addressed various environmental issues, such as pollution and climate change, and it reminded all of us that we are to steward the Earth, not plunder it. The Pope’s missive demonstrates that he is both theologically sound and scientifically…
Stephen Hawking Developed An Odd Penchant For Doomsday Fearmongering Late In His Life
He spoke with the religious fervor of a modern-day Jonathan Edwards, but instead of sinners in the hands of an angry God, we were humans in the hands of an angry universe. Read the rest at The Federalist.
Shroud of Turin DNA Comes from All over World
The Shroud of Turin remains shrouded in mystery.
Great Theologian Quotes on Science
Theologians past and present have found science to be illuminating rather than threatening, undermining the widespread notion of a “war” between science and religion.
Slate’s Science Page Has Gone Crazy
Bring back the old science page. We miss it.
The Smartest Person Who Ever Lived
The more I study Isaac Newton, the more fascinating he becomes.
Turkish Researcher Claims that Virgin Mary Was a Hermaphrodite and Souls Are Dark Matter
There are (at least) two very big problems with the “hermaphroditic Virgin Mary” hypothesis.
Do Catholics Think I’m a Nazi?
Godwin’s Law ought to be enshrined next to Newton’s Laws or Kepler’s Laws for all posterity.
Nobody Wins in Fundamentalist ‘Creation Debate’
Young-Earth Creationists and fundamentalist atheists actually have quite a bit in common.