Category: Chemistry/Biochemistry
The Primordial Soup Was Edible
The Miller-Urey gunk can support life.
What the Gases You Emit Say About You
This article was originally published on RealClearScience. You emit gas. The most obvious and offensive comes from your posterior, but that’s not the only gas you emit. Your body is constantly oozing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) — small molecules that easily enter a gaseous state due to their high vapor pressure — in breath, sweat,…
Great Chefs Are Highly Skilled Food Chemists
Cooking and organic chemistry have a lot in common.
New Glasses Change Color on Demand
Electrochromic lenses change color in response to a small voltage, simply by flipping the switch on a battery.
Chernobyl Radiation Changed Rodent Hair Color?
A team of scientists led by Zbyszek Boratyński has reported in the journal Scientific Reports that Chernobyl radiation has changed the hair color of local rodents.
Will Propane-Making Bacteria Revolutionize Energy?
Researchers are looking for ways to produce renewable “fossil fuels” through the use of alternative technologies, such as synthetic biology.
Identify a Bomb from 1 Kilometer Away
American researchers propose using a variation of Raman spectroscopy to detect bombs from a safe distance.
An Antidote for Bitter Beer Face?
This article was originally posted on RealClearScience. Back in the 90’s, Keystone Beer ran a very popular commercial warning against the dangers of “bitter beer face.”
Oenology: Air defences
WINE, any connoisseur will tell you, is a living thing. And as with other organisms, for it, too, oxygen is a mixed blessing. The element breathes life, but it—or strictly speaking reactive oxygen species (ROS), the byproducts of the process through which cells extract energy from nutrients—can be toxic. Oxygen plays a role in red wines’…