Category: Microbiology
Jail ‘Anti-Vax’ Parents
Your family’s right to be sick ends where public health begins.
Mom Was Right: Catching Cold in the Cold
This research hints that keeping your nasal cavity warm might be an effective way to prevent rhinovirus infection. Maybe Mom was right, after all.
Weird Diseases People Acquired from Animals
While our fluffy furballs are cute, always remember that they often possess noxious microbes.
How the Plague Hijacked Fleas to Kill the World
The more fleas that survive, the more rats (and humans) that can become infected.
Simmer Down: Viruses Not ‘Fourth Domain’ of Life
Considering viruses to be a fourth domain would unnecessarily complicate evolutionary biology.
H7N9: The Next Influenza Pandemic?
Where did this new H7N9 strain come from? Genetic analyses suggest that four different avian influenza viruses swapped genes in a process known as “reassortment.”
CDC Lost Its Ebola Gamble
The CDC needs to find a spokesperson who can properly spell out exactly what scientists do and do not know about Ebola.
Will Propane-Making Bacteria Revolutionize Energy?
Researchers are looking for ways to produce renewable “fossil fuels” through the use of alternative technologies, such as synthetic biology.
Six Big Lessons from the Ebola Outbreak
Learning from a tragedy.
Outbreak of Political Correctness in Science Media
Unfortunately, political correctness is a disease with no cure.