Category: Science
Video Gamers Have Better Connected Brains
It turns out that the years I spent playing Wolfenstein, Counterstrike and Unreal Tournament didn’t completely go to waste.
A Letter to Dr. Oz from a PhD Microbiologist
I am writing to you because I was deeply troubled by your rebuttal to the letter signed by ten medical doctors seeking your termination from Columbia University.
New Mass Extinction Event Identified by Geologists
Over the past 450 million years, life on Earth has been devastated by five mass extinction events that are widely recognised by geologists. Now, an international team of researchers proposes adding a sixth mass extinction to the list. Read the rest at BBC.
Beware of Possible Cuisine-Drug Interactions
Since about 70% of Americans are taking at least one prescription drug (and 20% are taking five or more), it would be quite useful to know how various cuisines interact with them.
‘Ex Machina’: The Science of Creepy Artificial Intelligence
Ex Machina, a suspenseful new film about artificial intelligence, is disturbing for all the right reasons.
Pathogen Jumped from Humans to Rabbits in 1976
We should always remember that as humans continue to expand our footprint around the globe, we may be only one mutation away from being infected with a strange and dangerous new pathogen.
What the Gases You Emit Say About You
This article was originally published on RealClearScience. You emit gas. The most obvious and offensive comes from your posterior, but that’s not the only gas you emit. Your body is constantly oozing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) — small molecules that easily enter a gaseous state due to their high vapor pressure — in breath, sweat,…
Great Chefs Are Highly Skilled Food Chemists
Cooking and organic chemistry have a lot in common.
Monkeys Suffer Human-Like Depression
Not only does this have ethical implications for primate research, it also raises questions about the reliability of biomedical data collected using depressed animals.
The New York Times Should Seriously Consider Not Writing About Science Anymore
Either do it right, or don’t do it at all.