Category: Science
Transplants: First Facial, Now Anorectal
“Defecation is a major activity of daily living.” Thus begins a new paper in the journal Scientific Reports, and truer words have rarely been written.
Debunking the Anti-Fracking Fearmongers
Anti-technology environmentalists have made all sorts of wild, unsubstantiated claims about the supposed harms of fracking.
In U.S., Hispanics Live Longer than Others
The latest CDC data reveals that the life expectancy at birth for Hispanics in the U.S. is the highest of all ethnic groups examined.
One Thing Short and Tall Men Have in Common
In at least one biological aspect, short and tall men share something in common: A less than ideal immune response.
Will Propane-Making Bacteria Revolutionize Energy?
Researchers are looking for ways to produce renewable “fossil fuels” through the use of alternative technologies, such as synthetic biology.
Biotechnology: A New Opium Pipe
Narcotic drugs could soon be manufactured by yeast.
First Observation of Death Valley’s Sliding Rocks
People who enjoy the sport of curling also may be inclined toward rock-watching.
What RealClearScience Is For and Against
We are not wedded to any of these conclusions. If the data changes, so too will our opinion!
Narcolepsy May Be an Autoimmune Disease
Most likely, there are multiple causes for this mysterious disorder.
Six Big Lessons from the Ebola Outbreak
Learning from a tragedy.