Category: Science
When’s the Best Time to Launch a Cyberattack?
Let’s pretend that you’re a cyberterrorist.
Allergies: A Rash of Euroenthusiasm
THE European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy gets a lot of flak. Critics lambast it for illogical subsidies, onerous regulations and vast expense. It might even cause allergies. Read the rest at The Economist.
Behavioral Change Can Reduce Migraine Pain, Frequency
Teaching children who are chronic migraine sufferers basic relaxation and pain management skills has the potential to greatly improve their lives.
We Made Portland Angry. We Don’t Apologize
We kick because we care.
Pregnancy & Abortion Rates Among Teens by Race
Any discussion about how to close the enormous racial wealth gap in America must address the large discrepancy in teenage pregnancy rates between the races.
Are Repeated Concussions Killing Football Players?
There just isn’t enough scientific evidence to conclude one way or the other.
Oenology: Air defences
WINE, any connoisseur will tell you, is a living thing. And as with other organisms, for it, too, oxygen is a mixed blessing. The element breathes life, but it—or strictly speaking reactive oxygen species (ROS), the byproducts of the process through which cells extract energy from nutrients—can be toxic. Oxygen plays a role in red wines’…
Humans Aren’t at the Top of Food Chain
In fact, we’re nowhere near the top.
European Journalists Choose Magic over Physics
Europe is a magical realm. The food is tastier, the people are sexier, and some parts of Poland don’t experience gravity. Wait, what?