Category: Science
Portland’s Congressman Loves Pot, Hates Science
Given that Portland’s citizens have a troubled relationship with reality, it perhaps shouldn’t come as a surprise that the city’s congressman does, too.
Hair Test for Marijuana Proves Nothing
Detecting THC in a hair sample doesn’t prove cannabis consumption.
Fungi Found in Brains of Alzheimer’s Patients
An intriguing new line of investigation.
A Revolution in Basic Microbiology?
Harnessing the untapped potential of microorganisms often begins by growing them in the lab.
Shroud of Turin DNA Comes from All over World
The Shroud of Turin remains shrouded in mystery.
The Primordial Soup Was Edible
The Miller-Urey gunk can support life.
Macaque Experiment Shows Vaccine Schedule Not Linked to Autism
Because the coffin of the vaccine-autism myth has already been nailed shut, this study really should represent the flowers placed on top of the grave.
Sex Would Be Simpler if We Were Bonobos
Communication works.
Scratched Moles Could Lead to Cancer
It may be wise to take the precaution of protecting your moles from physical injury.
Simple Robots Evolve to Become Cooperative
Robots that were programmed only with basic primal instincts and genetic mechanisms, over time and in the presence of selective pressure, evolved to cooperate.