Category: Science
Solar Airplanes: A Flight of Fancy
Solar-powered flight is fun and quirky, but it is not a revolution.
Dr. Oz Hires a Clone to Be His ‘Fact-Checker’
Unfortunately, it appears as if Dr. Oz’s “fact-checker” is just a clone. We could call him Mini-Oz.
Creative People Really Are a Little Crazy
The notion that highly creative people tend to be eccentric or even a little “crazy” is not just a stereotype.
Your Viral History in a Drop of Blood
A giant leap forward for personalized medicine.
The Most Dangerous Jobs in the U.S.
This article was originally posted on RealClearScience. Thanks to Mike Rowe, we know that chicken sexer, horse inseminator, and sewer inspector are among the dirtiest jobs in America. But the dirtiest jobs are not necessarily the most dangerous. For that information, we must consult the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Subsidies: What Fossil Fuels & Porn Have in Common
It’s time to end the federal porn subsidy.
Suicides in U.S. Are Up, Especially in Rural Areas
Whatever the cause, America’s suicide epidemic is getting worse.
Unscientific Nonsense on ‘Shark Tank’
If a buck can be made, few business owners care if their products make a mockery of science.
How Yellowstone Revolutionized Biotechnology
The beautiful hot springs played a direct role in the biotechnology revolution.
Genes and the Placebo Effect: Are You Easily Pleased?
The effectiveness of a placebo may depend on someone’s DNA.