Category: World Affairs
Mystery Behind U.S. Decision to Yank Diplomats from Cuba?
It’s a tale fit for a sci-fi novel: 21 diplomats in Cuba suffer from symptoms like hearing loss and brain damage. And Cuba stands to lose a lot. Read the rest at USA Today.
Timidity and a Hostility to Competition Have Left Europe a Scientific Wasteland
A recent study published in the Oxford journal Science and Public Policy reveals the harsh reality of the state of science in the European Union: “Europe lags far behind the USA in the production of important, highly cited research.” Read the rest at The Telegraph.
Merkel Can’t Lead Germany, Much Less the Free World
Angela Merkel is likely cruising to an easy re-election as Germany’s chancellor. Because many pundits in America refer to her as the “leader of the free world,” it is tempting to speculate that her electoral success is due to keen wisdom and firm leadership. In reality, quite the opposite is the case. In many ways,…
Why Protests Are Erupting All Over Poland
The government’s law against independent journalists serves as another reminder of the fragility of Polish democracy. Read the rest at The National Interest.
Drug Supplies: Track Marks
MOST of the world’s supply of cocaine comes from just three South American countries: Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Much of it is headed for the United States and Europe. Law-enforcement officials from America patrol international waters in the Caribbean and eastern Pacific, hoping to seize cocaine shipments before they reach their intended destinations. When they…
Shroud of Turin DNA Comes from All over World
The Shroud of Turin remains shrouded in mystery.
Britain Is Now a One-Party System, But That Could Change…
Before the British election in May, political analysts were nearly unanimous in their prophesying: The United Kingdom was entering a new era of politics in which it would be joining the rest of the continent in the chaotic world of multiparty coalition governments. The Conservative-Labour duopoly was declared dead. As is so often the case,…
Policies to Mitigate Climate Change Could Increase Global Hunger
All policies bear costs and unintended consequences.