Category: World Affairs
Rare Weather Patterns Can Trigger Tsunamis
The meteotsunamis, some as high as 3 meters (10 feet), hit coastal areas all over Europe.
In Germany, Anti-Americanism Goes on Display
Trying to please Europeans, and Germans in particular, is not always time well spent.
Unlike U.S. Politicians, British Pols Have Class
The country from which we revolted nearly 240 years ago still has a thing or two to teach us about government.
Paleoconservatives Are Wrong About Putin
Paleoconservatives fail to appreciate the fact that Mr. Putin is perfectly capable of escalating conflicts all by himself.
Anti-Vax Parents Face Jail in Europe, Africa
Though many Americans (myself included) understandably flinch at the idea of the government forcing people to do or not to do things, there are times when government mandates are entirely appropriate.
Now Is a Great Time to Go to Europe
If you have been planning a trip to Europe, 2015 is definitely the year to go. If you haven’t been planning a trip to Europe… well, maybe you should plan a trip to Europe.
These 3 Big Elections May Determine Europe’s Fate
On January 1, Lithuania became the newest member of the Eurozone, joining a club of eighteen other nations in a currency union that has troubled Europe’s economy for the past several years. Unfortunately, the celebration over Lithuanian membership will be short lived, because 2015 will prove to be a turbulent year. Indeed, three important elections…
Vladimir Putin Embodies the Russian Mindset
This article was originally posted on RealClearWorld. (ELBLĄG, Poland) — Comedian Norm Macdonald was fond of pointing out that Germans love David Hasselhoff. As true as it may have been (and may still be), Germany’s infatuation with “The Hoff” pales in comparison to Russia’s admiration of Vladimir Putin, that archaeology-loving, race-car-driving, tiger-tranquilizing, bare-chested survivalist known…
Is the Left Capable of Governing in Europe?
Center-left parties, particularly in the major European nations, appear weak, shriveled, and unable to govern.
Chernobyl Radiation Changed Rodent Hair Color?
A team of scientists led by Zbyszek Boratyński has reported in the journal Scientific Reports that Chernobyl radiation has changed the hair color of local rodents.