Tag: GMOs
Why the Pope Should Officially Embrace Biotechnology
In May 2015, Pope Francis issued an encyclical with the subtitle “On Care for Our Common Home.” The letter addressed various environmental issues, such as pollution and climate change, and it reminded all of us that we are to steward the Earth, not plunder it. The Pope’s missive demonstrates that he is both theologically sound and scientifically…
Timidity and a Hostility to Competition Have Left Europe a Scientific Wasteland
A recent study published in the Oxford journal Science and Public Policy reveals the harsh reality of the state of science in the European Union: “Europe lags far behind the USA in the production of important, highly cited research.” Read the rest at The Telegraph.
Science Issues 2016: Trump vs. Clinton
This article was originally posted on RealClearScience. The 2016 presidential election has been conspicuously light on substance, particularly on matters of science and policy. In an effort to provide some clarity to voters who place an emphasis on science, we have created a chart that scores the presumptive Republican and Democratic Party candidates on key…
Mosquitoes, This Time It Is War
The Zika virus, which is spreading like wildfire throughout the Americas and is linked to a head-shrinking birth defect called microcephaly, is just the latest in a long list of mosquito-transmitted diseases that make the insects the world’s deadliest animal. It is time to launch a global initiative to eradicate them. Read the rest at USA…
‘Pro-Science’ Democrats Reject Biotechnology
On the needlessly hot-button issue of genetic modification, Democrats sided with fearmongers and organic foodies, while Republicans sided with the medical and scientific mainstream.
Dr. Oz Hires a Clone to Be His ‘Fact-Checker’
Unfortunately, it appears as if Dr. Oz’s “fact-checker” is just a clone. We could call him Mini-Oz.
Getting Cancer at San Francisco Airport
The foolishness in California is the inevitable consequence of a chemophobic society that wields the evil twins of regulation and litigation as weapons in a fruitless effort to achieve the impossible: a life completely free of any risk whatsoever.
Will Propane-Making Bacteria Revolutionize Energy?
Researchers are looking for ways to produce renewable “fossil fuels” through the use of alternative technologies, such as synthetic biology.
Costco ‘Teaches the Controversy’ over GMOs
Some 75% of the food in the grocery store contains at least one genetically modified ingredient. That includes the food at Costco.
The Lies that Whole Foods Tells
This widespread and deliberate misinformation campaign needs to stop immediately.