Tag: politics
Crime, Homelessness and Decorum Should Be Top Priorities for Seattle City Council
We are now in the year 2020, a metaphor for perfect vision. Though President George H. W. Bush once derided that “vision thing,” Seattle is in dire need of one. The mayor and City Council should embrace the following priorities. Read the rest at Puget Sound Business Journal.
From St. Paul to the American church: Partisanship is Poison. Focus on Truth Instead.
What if St. Paul, a Christian global strategist, who wrote most of the letters in the New Testament, could write a letter to the Church in America? We imagine it would read as follows. Read the rest at USA Today.
Portland’s Congressman Loves Pot, Hates Science
Given that Portland’s citizens have a troubled relationship with reality, it perhaps shouldn’t come as a surprise that the city’s congressman does, too.
Sorry Bernie, Science Doesn’t #FeelTheBern
Thankfully, Mr. Sanders will never reside in the White House.
Our Know-Nothing, Anti-Science, Anti-Intellectual Presidential Candidates
We will continue to get the government that we deserve.
‘Pro-Science’ Democrats Reject Biotechnology
On the needlessly hot-button issue of genetic modification, Democrats sided with fearmongers and organic foodies, while Republicans sided with the medical and scientific mainstream.
RealClearScience: Most Transparent News Site Ever!
We challenge all media outlets to be as transparent as RealClearScience!
Slate’s Science Page Has Gone Crazy
Bring back the old science page. We miss it.